Gain complete visibility and control over your crypto-key environments. Prevent costly service downtime and impersonation attacks via end-to-end life cycle management of SSH keys and SSL/TLS certificates.

Features and benefits

  • Discover all SSL certificates and SSH keys: Discover all SSL certificates in the network, as well as which systems and users have SSH keys.
  • Store keys and certificates in a centralized inventory: Consolidate all discovered certificates and keys in a secure, centralized repository.
  • Create and deploy certificates and key pairs: Deploy newly acquired certificates to their respective domain servers. Associate new key pairs with users and deploy them on target systems.
  • Generate certificate expiration alerts: Receive alerts about soon-to-expire certificates.
  • Rotate keys periodically: Rotate key pairs automatically at periodic intervals.
  • Launch direct connections: Launch direct SSH connections with target systems.
  • Configure key management policies: Enforce policies for key creation. Remove all existing keys for a fresh start or append new keys.
  • Obtain wildcard deployment details: Get a holistic view of all deployed wildcard certificates.